
Rebecca Baker (Becka)

I am a: Woman

Looking for a: Man

Age: 45 (02-16-1979)

City/Town: Mustang

State/Province: Oklahoma

Postal Code: 73064

Country: United States United States

Height: 5 ā€² 4 ā€³ ā€“ 162 cm

Weight: 19 sts ā€“ 260 lbs ā€“ 118 kgs

Looking for that certain spark

A Little About Me

This is always the tricky partā€¦talking about me.

Iā€™m a 43 year old, retired, home owner. Ā I enjoy sewing, quilting, and roleplaying on Second Life. Ā I had my bariatric surgery last Jult, and have lost around 160+ pounds since December of 2020.

I would Love to find someone local, but would be glad to meet someone for a long distance relationship in the surrounding states of Oklahoma.

I consider myself to be a fairly kind, supportive, and normally happy person, especially when Iā€™m around m6 sweetie (whenI have one), but everyone has their moments, lol.

Anyways, feel free to contact me! Ā Iā€™d be glad to talk to you! Ā ^_^Ā Ā 



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Join Date: 2 years ago. ā€¢ Last Activity: 2 years ago. ā€¢ Views: 453


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